Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Athabasca University

Athabasca University is a university located in Athabasca, Alberta, Canada. It specializes in distance learning. Courses are offered in English and French.
The university is mainly popular with foreigners, persons with disabilities, single parents, members of the Canadian armed forces, athletes and people he lacks a course or two to pursue higher education. No high school diploma is required, however, the minimum age for admission is sixteen.

Distance Learning: Athabasca University is a leader in distance education, particularly in online training: its website is specially designed for this purpose.
The university has two main methods of training: Individualized Studies and study groups.
The Individualized Studies: students get the textbooks, computer software and the necessary video equipment. A recommended schedule is given for each course. Students have a maximum of 6 months to finish their course, if they have received four awards. Courses start at the beginning of each month.
Study groups: primarily offered to students living in Alberta, this method allows students of the same course to regroup and look a little like a traditional university. Classes begin in September and January and students have a maximum of four months to complete their courses.

Portrait academic: Athabasca University has approximately 42,000 students per year, 50% are between 25 and 44 years. In 2004, the MBA program at Athabasca University was given the only fully online to be ranked among the top 75 by the Financial Times. The University is the only university in Canada to be accredited in the United States by the Commission on Higher Education (Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools). The University offers several programs, including administration, arts, business, nursing and science. It also has several research centers.

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